The toolbar contains the following nine buttons from left to right:
- Insert Task: Inserts a new and empty task into the list. This new entry is always
appended and gets displayed immediately. If you want to insert a task in the middle
of the list use Copy Task instead, followed by Clear Board
or Init Board if appropriate.
- Copy Task: A new task is inserted right after the current position. The text fields
for title, task and solution are empty but the position is copied from the current task.
This is useful if you want to edit a series of diagrams that do not differ very much.
- First Task: Jumps to the first task in the list, if there exist tasks at all.
- Back: Steps one task back in the list, if possible.
- Forward: Steps one task forward in the list, if possible.
- Last Task: Jumps to the last task in the list, if there exist tasks at all.
- Delete Task: Deletes the currently displayed task from the list.
- Clear Board: Clears all squares on the board.
- Init Board: Initializes the board to the starting position.