What follows is the explanation of the single menu entries:
- File
- Open: A dialog is displayed where you can select the file you want to load.
If it is no ChessTask file, nothing will happen. Otherwise, all current tasks are
deleted and the file is read.
Add: Again, a file dialog is evoked.
In contrast to "Open" this entry does not delete the current list of tasks, but
"adds" the files data.
- Save: A file dialog appears and you can select the directory and the filename
for your new collection of tasks. As already mentioned in
For the impatient you should use the
extension `
' for all of your ChessTask files.
- Delete all: Deletes all current tasks, so be careful with this one!
- Quit: Exits the program.
- Edit
- Set main title: A small window pops up and you can set the "main"
title for the
whole list of tasks. You do not have to provide a title here, but if you do, please regard
the rules in
Editing title, task and solution.
- Restore task: This is sort of an "undo" function. If you
"stepped" to a task and start to edit it---i.e. set new pieces onto the board
or delete some, clear the board completely or "init" it, change title,
task or solution---these changes are not accepted until one of the following tool
buttons is selected:
Insert Task, Copy Task, First Task, Back,
Forward, Last Task. Before, you can select this menu entry and restore the
original state of the task.
Generate titles: Starting at the current task,
ChessTask automatically
creates titles of the form "Task 1" for all following entries of the list.
- Import
- FEN file: A file dialog appears where you can select the directory and
filename of an existing FEN file. The stored positions are added to the
current list of tasks. For further informations see also
Import of FEN/EPD files.
- EPD file: Again, you get a file dialog on the screen.
This time, you can import an EPD file. Not only the contained positions are
read, but also some of the EPD "commands" like "bm" (Best move)
or "pm" (Predicted move) get interpreted and appear as solution of the
For further informations see also
Import of FEN/EPD files.
- Export
- LaTeX file: A file dialog appears where you can select the directory and
filename for the LaTeX file. Normally, TeX/LaTeX files get the extension
'. For further informations see also
Export to LaTeX.
- ChessCards file: Exports a special LaTeX input file. The tasks are
arranged in a 2x4 grid on each page and after each page with tasks the solutions
follow immediately. So if you print them doublesided and cut out the single cards
you can train your chess everywhere. For more informations about the fixed format
that is used see
ChessCards files.
- HTML files: Again, you get a file dialog on the screen. This time,
you can only select the directory all HTML files are written to. Make sure that you have
set the option "Levels to graphics directory" to the correct
value as described in
Export to HTML.
- LaTeX directory: A file dialog appears and you can select the "source"
directory that contains the ChessTask files you want to export. The extension
is mandatory, all other files are neglected! The "source" directory may include
subdirectories, these are also scanned for `*.tsk
' files.
After choosing the "source" directory you get a small info dialog, telling you that
you are about to select the "destination" directory now. If you confirm with
another file dialog is shown and you can specify the directory where all the `*.tex
LaTeX files are put during the export. Having done this, a small dialog appears showing
the progress of the export operation until it finishes. All LaTeX files are output
with the settings from "Export"/"Options".
For further informations see
Directory tree export to HTML/LaTeX.
- ChessCards directory: Just the same as for the "LaTeX
directory" export, but the
ChessCards format is used.
- HTML directory: The single steps are also the same as for the
"LaTeX directory"
export, only that this menu entry generates HTML files. The HTML settings in
"Export"/"Options" affect the output like they do for the
export of a single file. The only exception from this rule is the option
"Levels to graphics directory".
For further informations see
Directory tree export to HTML/LaTeX.
Copy LaTeX position: Here, no file is created. Instead,
the current position
on the board is copied to the application's clipboard, formatted as LaTeX input text.
Afterwards you can paste the text into another program, e.g. an editor like
``gvim'' or ``ktexmaker2''. With this feature ChessTask can help you to edit
board diagrams for a LaTeX file that deals with chess in general.
Copy HTML position: The same as for
"Copy LaTeX position"
holds, only this time HTML source text is generated. You can paste it directly into a HTML
document that you are creating. The HTML code still needs the PNG graphics to work, so make sure
that the option "Levels to graphics directory" is set to the correct
value as described in
Export to HTML
and that a proper ``graphics'' directory exists.
- Options: If not already opened, a window pops up where you can set some options
for the LaTeX and HTML export. The LaTeX options
Export to LaTeX) should be self-explanatory, the
meanings of the HTML options are described in
Export to HTML
Informator symbols.
- Info
- About: Displays some general information about ChessTask.