
Test of ``Informator'' symbols
Notation of a game

Test of ``Informator'' symbols

X O # @ A C E +- -+ = F G H O I J M U V W Z \ i j k l X m o Y q s t u v > w N RR R z y || -

Notation of a game

The following game and all comments are fictitious!

ChessGenius 3 (2400) -- ChessGenius 3 (2400)
Hamburg 2002

First we test the cross (X) and the circle marker (O).

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Bc5 5. Be3 Qf6 6. c3 Ne7 7. Bc4 Ne5 8. Be2 Qg6 9. 0-0 d6 10. f3 [10. Rfd1 - 23.4] 0-0 11. Kh1 [11. Rd8 Nd8 12. Rd1 Bb7 13. Nd2 Nc6 - 24.1; 13. ..., Ne6!?=] d5! 12. Nd2# dxe4@ 13. fxe4A Bg4C 14. Bf4E Bd6+- 15. Bxg4-+ Nxg4= 16. Bxd6F cxd6G 17. Rf4H h5O 18. Qb3I Ne3J 19. g3M b6U 20. Nf1V Ng4W 21. Nb5Z Rd8\ 22. Rd1i Rd7j 23. Rd4k a6l 24. Na3X b5m 25. Nc2o Qe6Y 26. Ne3q Nf6s 27. Nf5t Nc6u 28. Rd1v Nxe4> 29. Qxe6w fxe6N 30. Rxe4RR exf5R 31. Re1z d5y 32. Nd4|| Nxd4-

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