In this position Black tried to keep his opponent away from his pawns with 46. ..., Kf6? but this is wrong! After 47. Ke8 White holds the draw with 47. ..., g5 [47. ..., g6 48. Kf8 h5 49. Kg8 hxg4 50. hxg4 Kg5 51. Kg7 Kxg4 52. Kxg6=] 48. Kf8 Kg6 49. Kg8 h5 50. gxh5+ Kxh5 [50. ..., Kh6 51. Kh8] 51. Kg7 Kh4 52. Kg6 Kxh3 53. Kxg5=. Which would have been the correct move that leads to win for Black?