Solutions for: Example tasks
Game A
By playing 46. ..., Kf4 Black does not lose any time and after 47. Ke6 g5 48. Kf6 Kg3 49. Kg6 Kxh3 50. Kxh6 Kxg4
51. Kg6 Kf4 52. Kh5 g4 53. Kh4 Kf3 the pawn promotes very soon.
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Game B
59. ..., Ka3 60. Kc3 a4! and then either 61. Kc2 Kb4 or 61. Kc4 Kb2. The black king leaves his a-pawn and while White
captures it, Black has enough lead to take both white pawns.
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Game C
After 41. g5+ hxg5 42. fxg5+ Kxg5 43. Rxe7 White has won a rook for a pawn!
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Game D
White should play 59. Kg5!. After 59. ..., Kd6 60. Kf6 Kd7 61. Bf7 Kd8 62. Ke6 the black numb has to move---otherwise he is lost---and the white g-pawn promotes.
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Game E
After 40. ..., Nf4+ or 40. ..., Ne3+ White can try 41. Kh2 or 41. Kg1.
Both times, Black checkmates with 41. ..., Qg2#.
If White tries to escape with 41. Kf1 then 41. ..., Qh1# follows.
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